All products comply with the following European Standards of Quality.
ISO 9001-2008
Quality Assurance in production, installation and servicing model.
EN 10218
Steel wire and wire products-General-Part-2:Wire dimensions and tolerances
EN 10244-2
Steel wire and wire products-Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire Part-2: Zinc or zinc alloy coatings on steel wire
EN 10245-2
FSteel wire and wire products-Organic coating on steel wire-Part 2: PVC finished wire
EN 10223-3
Steel wire and wire products for fences; Part:3 Hexagonal steel wire netting for engineering porpuses.
ISO 9001:2008
Click for ISO 9001 2008 TÜRKAK certification...
Click for ISO 9001 2008 UKAS certification...